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My Holiday--Reality VS Expectation

My Holiday is very similar to my expectation. I expected that I will have a mostly boring holiday and I did.

My Expectations:

I expected to have a boring holiday. I thought that I would be stuck at home all along, busy doing nothing. I thought that my only past time would be writing compositions, dreaming, daydreaming, and sleeping.

The Reality:

The reality is that I did go out and instead of dreaming and sleeping, I made one to two YouTube videos. I didn’t just watch YouTube videos, but I made some. They are mostly stupid and random videos. My first video is a book sharing which I already sent out in Google Classroom. (Link: Book Sharing (Wonder by R. J. Palacio) #book_sharing #Book_report - YouTube)The other one is a video of me, playing the recorder “Happy Birthday”. I even made a year-end video for my WIX Site. (Link: -The site you are on currently) I made it with an app that my mom commended me and I loved making videos. And of course, I wrote compositions. ( 1. and 2.

I hope you had also had an enriching holiday!

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