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Sayings Of Wisdom-- A bird in the hand is worth twice in the bush.docx

I was ‘Easter Egg Hunting’ with my family. I got a smaller egg in my hand and saw a larger egg on a tree. I asked Mom, “Can I go up there to get that egg?” Mom simply replied, “A bird in the hand is worth twice in the bush.” I didn’t understand what Mom meant, so I ignored Mom and went up the tree. I climbed about half the tree when my original egg slipped out of my hand and went down the river nearby. I didn’t care about it, I thought, “When I get the bigger egg, I don’t need the original egg. But after some time, I found out that I couldn’t go any higher, so I had to come down. I had no eggs in the end, so I was down. Mom said, “You had your lesson?”

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